Are you longing?

🧡Are you LONGING? Read this ...

1) Acknowledge that there is something missing, and that this something exists INSIDE your body and not on the outside

2) Take back that FEELINGS are essential parts of our human experience

3) Start listening to the body and express youself from your feelings here and now, not necessarily to others, but at least to your self

4) Acknowledge that bad feelings are there for a reason and that the reason is that something on your inside wants your attention - for yours best

5) Start taking all your feelings seriously, and seek help in therapy if it feels too overwhelming, empty, extremely painful and/or frustrating

6) Start seeking peace and quietness in everyday life to calm the brain and find, via the senses in the body, the beauty and magic in the present - which are always there

7) Recognize that you are a soul and that everything in life is about its intention, learning and expression in this world

Eight) Seek knowledge outside yourselves and/or via intuition to understand more of the soul aspects within you

9) Begin living in a new way where the knowledge of the soul intention and energy system that you are, and which is always changing, and which is always seeking more freedom (light, joy, lightness, consciousness), is the incredible, unpredictable, exciting and wonderful LIFE PATH you are on

10) Recognize that life is sacred, that the body is the temple of our soul, and that each and one of us contribute to a better world by following our inner self and living out our authenticity - that is: what the soul came here to do, learn and express, and where every step IS the way and where there is no goal other than higher and higher consciousness ...

Photo: Fotograf Guro Høgberg

Den smerten jeg føler ...

When we fall in love ...