
My life was always about longing and searching for meaning in life. Growing up in a non-religious home, I had shut the doors for all kinds of spirituality, looking with my mind for a reason to be on earth.


In my seeking I did a lot of things that did not make me happy, only even more frustrated,  desperate and full of shame. There was something lacking and I couldn’t understand anything else that that had to do with me! I was not good, I was wrong. Then, at one point I had a moment of self-empowerment, I understood that I was the only one capable of changing my situation. After that things started happening and for many years I went on a roller couster ride of clearing a lot of things out of my system; releasing, integrating and getting new insights. It changed my inside and therefor everything on the outside.

The wave of life

Today, I have found a reason to be on earth and to me that is all about rehoycing, exploring through accelting that life IS both good and bad. And to me one of the most important keys to find meaning with life is to accept everything that is, because everything that is, is. And it’s always there for a reason. AND, you can trust that your essence, your soul, is here to expand, to bring more heaven to earth, and there for you can trust that what ever life gives you, it’s there to open up for more love, freedom and compassion.

Spiraling process

Today, I have accepted the spiraling form life has, for me to go deeper and deeper within the layers of myself and surrendering. Feeling pain, being with the layer of pain as long as it takes. And then feel the gain. It’s always worth it. I get to be the lover of life. Accepting all that is. I become free.


We are all part of the same source of energy. Everything is energy. I am you, you are me. I do not need a personality, I don’t need to gain anything or succeed in anything. Life is not about that. And it doesn’t finish before I am dead. It’s a neverending spiral of contraction and expansion - inner growth - towards more and more inner freedom, peace, joy, flow - consciousness - and I choose to follow that path.