… do the change and become a changemaker …

I don't think we can create fulfilling lives nor save the earth by more doing. I think we have to change the way we are being. No more profit for the sake of profit. No more development for the sake of development. We don’t need to produce more, we need to produce less.

To make these changes we need to change the systems we have today. To change systems, we need to change values. To change our values we need to do the inner work and find ease and peace within.

Only by healing ourselves we create new life values and new life patterns and only from new values we will make new choices.

It is not Mother Earth that will disappear if we fail, it’s the existence of humans as we know them today.

Everybody who have the opportunity and want to, can contribute by coming to peace, gratitude and joy within themselves. We won’t see big changes during our life times, but future generations will.

What you and I will experience is a more fulfilled life in all of its wonderful aspects.

Finding self love has an impact on the world!

Because when you are kinder to yourself, you become kinder to everybody else, when you love yourself, you’ll be able to feel love for anybody else, when you connect with yourself, you will connect with everybody else, Mother Earth and The Universe - and grow humble and develop humility for everything that is.

You will find the magic in life itself.